How to Retain Clients During a Dental Practice Transition – Prevent Tooth Decay

omers. It is recommended to start by watching the YouTube video “Best Practices To Retain Patients During The Transition to New Dentist. The video offers invaluable information and tips that can be implemented.

There are many reasons to transition an existing dental practice can be attributed to retirement or mergers, buyouts among others. A large portion of income comes from customers, so it’s vital not to let these customers go. Be sure to let them know about any changes that have occurred through messages or even in personal. This will make it easier for patients to transition and improve their self-confidence.

Try not to make more than one change. Changes that are drastic can turn people off or create anxiety for the patients. Instead, you should look for methods to solicit comments from your customers. You can create an interactive site, modify one you have already, or design a survey. Additionally, you could increase your presence on social media. These are just a few ways by that you will be able to stay in touch with patients and get them to talk without any obstacles. It is crucial to pay attention to the suggestions of patients and implement them. ncp2fq6kqd.

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